Privacy statement

Who are we
Chester Investments is a UK based property broker

Our commitment to privacy
We take our responsibility to protect the personal information provided to us seriously. This statement explains how we do that. It sets out what we do with the personal information we hold, how we protect it, and it explains your privacy rights (if applicable).

If we change this Privacy Statement:
Chester Investments might update this Privacy Statement from time to time. When we do this the revised statement will be posted on this page, and where appropriate, by notification on our homepage. You should check this page from time to time to review any changes we have made.

The personal information we collect:
When we collect personal information, we are open about how we will use it.

We collect information:
• through our website that you provide to us, for example names, telephone number or email details.
• that you provide to us during consultations, meetings and/or negotiations.

Our legal basis for processing your information
We rely upon a number of different legal bases for processing personal information and special category personal information – these include processing personal information where it is in our legitimate interests to do so, where this is necessary for the fulfilment of a contract or where the processing is necessary to carry out our obligations under employment law. Where we rely on our legitimate interests, this means that we use personal information to run our business and to provide the services we have been asked to provide. We only collect information that has been supplied voluntarily, you do not have to provide us with personal information. However, if you do not provide us with information we need by law or require to do work, we may not be able to offer certain products and services.

How we use your information
We use your personal information in compliance with all the relevant laws and may use it in one or more of the following ways:

• We may use the contact information you supply to respond to your requests.
• Personal information may be used to inform you of services that may be of interest to you from Chester Investments.

Whom we share personal information with
We may share your personal information with:

• Chester Investments employees who require it to perform their jobs.
• Anyone you give us permission to share it with.
• Official bodies to detect and prevent criminal activity e.g. money laundering, theft, fraud, terrorism, cyber-crime.

We will never sell your personal information and we take steps to keep your details safe and secure.

Stopping us contacting you
If you have provided us with consent to supply you with marketing and information, you can withdraw your consent at any time by email to

Where we keep and process your information
We might transfer and store the information we collect from you outside the European Economic Area (EEA) with your consent. When we do this we aim to make sure the information is secure and properly protected.

Your Rights
Where applicable you may have the following rights over your personal information:

Request a copy of the information we hold
You can access the personal information we hold about you. To do so please contact us by email at There is no charge for us providing this information to you. You can also ask for information that you have provided to us in a machine-readable format, so you can transfer it to another organisation if you want to.

Ask us to not use your information
If for any reason you do not want us to hold or use your information please contact us by email at We may need to keep some of your information for legal and business reasons, for example to comply with a regulatory requirement.

Have your information corrected
If you think the personal information we hold is wrong contact us at and we will check and correct it if necessary. We are committed to holding personal information that is accurate and current.

How long we keep your information
We endeavour to keep your information for as long as we need it for legitimate business or legal reasons. We will then delete it safely and securely. If you would like us to delete your information please contact us

How to complain
If you need to make a complaint about our handling of your personal information, please contact us directly at If you are unhappy with how we deal with your complaint, you can contact your Country Data Protection Authority if applicable. The Information Commissioner's Office at
